BWJ - Chocolate Truffles Tart

Sometimes our days just don't go as we plan.  Last week I took my car in to have new brakes and rotors installed, oil change, and tires rotated. The next day, I noticed my front tires looked a little low, but I drove on them anyway.

The next day, I headed out the door to leave for work and both my front tires appeared to be almost flat.  To top it off, it was raining cats and dogs and I was running late.

I stopped at a tire dealership to get them checked.  The nice guy checked and all four tires were nearly flat.  After paying him to put air in them, I was on the road again.  But not before calling my husband to ask him to call the dealership that rotated my tires and inform them that they should have checked the air in them before letting me drive off the lot!

Now remembering it was my boss's birthday, I made a stop to pick up Krispy Kreme doughnuts to take for him, making me later than ever.

Got to work with doughnuts and realized there were three more birthdays going on that day in my department.  So we had doughnuts, then chocolate cake, then later it was cake day for the entire firm and cake and ice cream were offered.  I was smart enough to decline on that one.  Needless to say, I was on a major sugar high by the time I got home that night and still had Valentine's candy left over that I really needed to dispose of so I had a few pieces of that.

The tarts were a bit time consuming, but they were worth it.  Ran to Bed, Bath & Beyond and bought some mini tart pans.  How have I managed this long without these?  I love them!!  Also, I was out of parchment paper so I used non-stick foil and it worked like a charm.  My dough seemed just a little dry and was hard to roll out, but the end result was perfect.

I added butterscotch and white chocolate to mine, along with purchased biscotti.

I halved the recipe since there are only two of us here and I was still suffering from the sugar high of the day before.  We ate one tart, then took the other two to our dance club that evening where I shared one with my table friends, and gave the other to a friend having a birthday.  They were a big hit.

Now I wish I had made the entire recipe.  Sometimes, things just don't go as you plan.

Thanks to our hosts this week Steph awhiskandaspoon.­com; Spike; Jaime; and Jessice   Be sure to check out their version of the chocolate truffle tarts.


Unknown said…
These look fantastic!!! I'm glad I found your blog :)
Julia said…
They really do look perfect. I have to say that after a day like that, I would probably find it difficult to summon the energy to bake.
Pamela said…
Butterscotch! Yum. Nice touch. Love the mini pans, so good to have around. Oh, and I like the way that you had to get rid of that extra v-day candy. ;)
Elaine said…
I can't tell you how many days I have had like that! With the holidays being so close it seems like I have been on a sugar high for some time. :) Your tarts look perfect! T
Sara said…
I love the butterscotch addition. I can't believe your day though!
Heather said…
Your tarts look delicious! I need to keep an eye out for that biscotti. Sorry about your rough day :(
tierneymarie said…
I feel ya. The Saturday I made these was completely taken over by my car. I'd had the wheels rotated and balanced the weekend before, but they didn't balance them properly, and when I took my car back they found that all of my shocks and struts were leaking hydraulic fluid. Talk about frustrating. But your tarts came out beautifully, even if you wish you had a few more!
Jen said…
I, too, am wondering how I ever lived without mini tart pans before! Your tarts look great! (Also, I used the same biscotti. As if I didn't feel bad enough not making my own, it was further emphasized as I had to unwrap each individual cookie....)
Oh yes, I've had those days. But this dessert is a nice conciliation!
TeaLady said…
NOPE!! Not a good day. But the tarts turned out well so that helped. Like the idea of the butterscotch. I still have dough left, so.....

I used the almond biscottie. Like your idea better. Love the little tart pans. don't know what I would do without them.
Janis said…
Your tarts look great Peggy!! I'm always on a sugar high too and these recipes do not help at all LOL!
Unknown said…
What a few couple of days you had! Glad the tarts came out for you :-)
pinkstripes said…
Your tartlets look great! (and boy have I had days like yours).
Cher Rockwell said…
Butterscotch sounds like a nice idea to break up some of the chocoalte.
And I am oh too familiar with those kinds of days :-)
Cakelaw said…
Mmmm, butterscotch chips - I want them tro start selling those in Oz! Life often doesn't go to plan - that's what makes the journey exciting, I guess.
Abby said…
Oh my goodness, what a day you had!! Love the butterscotch chip idea! :)
Beautiful tart.
~ Carmen
Kayte said…
Don't I hear you about life not going as planned lately. lol Your tarts are beautiful! You really did a pretty job presenting know that's true if I am saying chocolate looks wonderful, right? Love those new little pans, they are just perfect for a small family.

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