Baking with Julia - White Loaves - First Post!
And so it begins. . . a new year. . . a new book .. . a new group of friends interested in baking together!
This week's challenge from the Baking with Julia group was white loaves hosted by our fearless leaders, Jules and Laurie. I have not made bread in about twenty years, so the task seemed a bit daunting at first. But once my loaves started to rise, I got very excited. And my house smelled delicious all day!!
My camera is not working right and therefore the photos are a bit yellow. My autofocus is messed up so I will have to send my camera to Nikon to get it fixed I am told.
The bread had to rise twice. Once in a bowl, then once in the loaf pans. Did I mention how wonderful they smelled while they were rising and baking? Nothing like fresh bread baking.
I had a great time making this and the results were fantastic. I definitely have renewed interest in bread baking now! My loaves were perfect and so tasty! I froze one loaf so I am excited that another meal of good bread is coming soon! Did I mention how wonderful your house smells while this is baking? :)
Check out the website to see how the other bakers fared.