Creme Brulee???

Mevrouw Cupcake by Mari chose Creme Brulee for this week on TWD. I've never made creme brulee before so bear with me on this journey. I'm marching to the beat of my own drummer this time! And remember, things are not always as they appear. . . First, I got all my ingredients together in one spot. Then, the dry ingredients were mixed by hand. This is how it looked before the blow torch. And this is the finished product! Okay confession time. I do not own a blow torch, and these closely resemble Cheddar Apple Scones! A blow torch on these would have made a nice, crunchy sugary topping on there to break through. Hmm. . that might be worth trying the next time around. We were allowed to do a re-wind this time and since the scones were made before I came onboard with TWD, I wanted to try them. They were delicious. Next time I would like to try them with more apples, a little cinnamon, and maybe a sugar drizzle on top. Or, better yet, dipped in chocolate. Everything is better dipp...