CEiMB - Sage-rubbed Pork Chops with Warm Apple Slaw

Jennifer of Jen B's Cooking Carveout Breach of the Recipeace hosted this week's CEiMB recipe, Sage Rubbed Pork Chops with Warm Apple Slaw. I had checked this recipe out previously and was really excited about making it. GREAT pick, Jennifer! Jennifer is a lawyer in my office and we have a good time collaborating over recipes, what's good, what's not, what takes too much time, etc. One of the first things you learn about Jennifer upon meeting her is how much she loves her three cats. Jen was not a cat person until one day three little kittens showed up on her doorstep. She has shown great mothering instincts toward the kittens, and has grown to love them even though she is allergic to cats. I tease her a lot about them. What are friends for if not to tease and torment? Here kitty kitty kitty. Tom, Oskar, and Beasley. Aren't they cute? These pork chops were so good! I actually cannot wait to make them a second time. Loved the slaw. It was a quick and easy recipe and ...