CEiMB - Turkey Meatballs with Quick and Spicey Tomato Sauce and Whole Wheat Spaghetti

Check out the recipe for this at: Turkey Meatballs with Quick & Spicy Tomato Sauce and Whole Wheat Spaghetti Hosted this week by Oddball Oven Mitt So I'm excited and I have to share! I'm getting a new stainless steel french door freezer on the bottom refrigerator delivered today! We bought one last week and two days later they called and told us that there had been a recall on all of those refrigerators so we did not have one coming. They had to remove them from their floors and could not sell anymore of them. Of course, we were never told what the problem was. This meant another shopping trip for a refrigerator. We finally decided on the GE Profile and Lowe's was very easy to negotiate with. We actually got them to reduce the price by over $600. Keep that in mind as you shop. Now for this week's food choice. Any time I can prepare a spaghetti dish, you will find me racing to the kitchen. I had to make a couple of changes to the recipe. First, I did not have the chi...