TWD - Richard Katz Brownies for Julia, My first attempt at baby mints, and some happy news!

One of my very favorite bloggers, Chocolate Chic over at chose these brownies when she hosted our TWD group in early February. Illness prevented me from making them at that time, but I am posting now. I know if Ms. Chocolate Chic picked these, and they are Dorie's recipe, they will be good! You mixed them up in two bowls, something I have never done before. Of course, I did something wrong because mine did not rise as they should have. Or maybe because I halved the recipe my pan was too big. And I don't think I cooked them long enough. I am always scared I will overcook brownies and they will be hard, so instead I took them out of the oven too soon. They are very gooey. And very chocolatey. I'm not sure I will make this particular recipe again, but if you want to try them I'm sure Chocolate Chic has the recipe on her webpage. Tomorrow I am helping with a friend's baby shower. I am supposed to bring mints so I decided to make them bec...