CEiMB - Zucchini and Potato Cakes

I chose this week's CEiMB's pick for the Ellie Krieger group. I thought these potato cakes looked crispy and delicious. To be completely honest, I guess I prefer fried potato cakes even though they are not the best for you. These are certainly more healthy. Maybe it was the mix of zucchini in them or just that they lacked a bit of flavor. These were good though especially if you are watching your fried foods! I'm curious to hear what you thought as we all have different likes and dislikes. The recipe is found in Ellie's new cookbook Comfort Food Fix. Ellie has lots of great recipes that are good for you and they are all pretty easy to prepare. I will share the recipe with you here: Crispy Baked Zucchini Potato Pancakes Page 236 of Comfort Food Fix - Krieger Olive oil cooking spray 2 tsp. olive oil 1 small onion, thinly sliced 1 medium russet potato unpeeled 1 medium zucchini unpeeled, ends removed 2 large eggs 2 large egg whites 1 ...