Christmas Stollen?

Christmas at our house this year was a quiet one. We did the family thing earlier in the month so good friends had us over for dinner both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day so they are a blessing to us. I made Rachel Ray's five minute fudge wreath to give to a few of my neighbors this year, and then I made this yeast free stollen for another neighbor. I kept a tiny piece for Chandler and me to try and he loved it so much I made another one just for us on Christmas Day. It is delicious and so easy! Looks a little rugged because it is more like a biscuit than a yeast roll, but delicious nonetheless. Chandler loved the name of it and kept telling me the police were coming soon to take me away since I had "stolen" bread in our house. Stollen is a German Christmas tradition dating back to the 14th century. My research found that Germans baked these loaves at Christmas to honor princes and church dignitaries. They also sold them at fairs and ...