It is hard to believe that a year has passed and my husband will be celebrating again on Monday! We are thankful for each year that we have and feel very blessed to have each other. He can never think of anything he wants for his birthday except for my carrot cake! While this photo does not do it justice, and it would be much prettier in a layer cake formation, I make it a sheet cake so that it is easier to serve and share. I cannot photo a slice of it since we will be having the official "cutting" tonight at our dance club. I thank Dorie Greenspan for this recipe and you can google and get the recipe if you want to try it. It may take a bit more work than a boxed cake mix, but it is well worth the time. I do not care for carrot cake, but I like this one! It is chock full of carrots, coconut, walnuts and craisens. Only one word for that - YUM. Happy birthday to my wonderful husband and I wish him many, many more!