Ina Garten Fridays - its time for appetizers!

We made appetizers today in our Ina Garten group. i am having company over tonight for pizza and cards so the timing for appetizer worked well for me. This has been a busy summer for us and my blog has taken a beating for it. I hope to return to more regular blogging in the fall. Thank you to those readers that still follow along! I chose ina's sundried tomato dip. It was very easy to mix up in the food processor. Unfortunately it called for hot sauce (which i thought i had) and there was none to be in my refrigerator. So I substituted red pepper flakes. I think it would be better with the hot sauce as the pepper flakes are a hit or miss type of thing in your mouth! At any rate it is still tasty and we enjoyed it with toasty ritz crackers. You can get the recipe for this dip here: List of our group: Alyce Morgan ...