Good Food Good Friends - Roasted Parmesan Cauliflower

Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday and it is just around the corner! Why is it my favorite? First, it is an opportunity for me to reflect on all the good in my life and be thankful. Thankful for my family, friends, good health, and another day to celebrate just being here! Second , it is the one day of the year that I get to eat the most delicious foods and nibble all day long if I choose! It is also my birthday. I was born the day before and this year it falls that way again. At my age, I am past needing recognition of my day, parties, cakes, presents, though they are very much appreciated if they do happen to come my way. Just so happy to be starting another year! Wishing you all a blessed Thanksgiving filled with peace, joy and love. Our vegetable this week in our GRGF group is cauliflower. I was excited because it is one of my favorites. I made a very simple recipe and it was oh so mouth watering g...