GFGF - Vegan Sweet Potato Skillet

So this week in my Good Friends Good Food group I chose sweet potatoes for our vegetable base. I did not know what I wanted to prepare with the potatoes, but I knew I wanted to try something totally different. I love baked sweet potatoes with lots of butter and brown sugar cinnamon topping. I love sweet potato casserole with pecans, brown sugar and even mini marshmallows on top. I love candied sweet potatoes. But I made this sweet potato skillet. We have been out of town all week at the beach seeing God’s beautiful creation. The ocean. It is so amazing to me. Nothing brings me peace like sitting listening to the waves crash against the shore. We saw a pretty big shark one morning. It was enough to keep us out of the water! Okay back to the potato skillet. I will admit I may have put a tad too much soy sauce because I did not measure it out. This was supposed to be a main course. We had some baked chicken along side ...