Barefoot Bloggers - Coq Au Vin
Does anyone know where the phrase "under the weather" comes from? Well that is me. I'm not sure if I am under it or over it or crushed by it, but it has been a challenge of a week physically. I decided a good chicken dish might be just what the doctor ordered. My Yankee has fallen ill today too and we are just hoping he manages to recover quicker than I have. We are getting so far behind on our Christmas festivities. We missed one dinner party last weekend and this Friday night is my big Christmas dance. I'm hoping Mr. Man will be well enough to attend with me or I will have to dance solo.
Of course it never fails when I go to the store that I forget to buy one or two ingredients that I need, or that they are out of said ingredient. This time I forgot the mushrooms. So we are dining tonight on Coq Au Vin without mushrooms and without pearl onions and without fresh thyme, the latter of the three because I just do not care for it.
This was a relatively simply dish to prepare. Some chopping, but not too much. Of course Ina always makes everything look so simple and delicious.
Try it for yourself though and let me know how you like it. You can get the recipe on page 116 of the Back to Basics book.
We loved it.