CEiMB - Ratatouille Tart

Well better late than never. Today was Craving Ellie in My Belly day and I am a tad late posting. Hosted by The Wiivers - the Ratatouille Tart.

It was supposed to snow here today. All I see so far is cold, cold rain.

The tart. Surprisingly easy to make.

Not surprisingly easy to eat.

I made a couple of substitutions. I added a bit of yellow squash to the mix and used chopped onions instead of shallots. You can get the recipe on page 98 of The Foods You Crave by Ellie Kreiger.

Note to self - buy a tart pan. I used a regular cake pan and it was difficult to get out of the pan upon completion. The cornmeal crust sort of crumbled a bit.

There was no liquor in this dish. Imagine that.

I highly recommend this dish!


CB said…
I bet the yellow squash was delish with all the other veggies! Definitely get yourself a tart pan. Even though I probably don't "need" a tart pan, I think you should buy one. I love mine. HAHA. Glad you enjoyed the recipe!
Clara @ iheartfood4thought
natalia said…
I really like this tart ! I'll have to make but I would like to use winter vegetables !!!Ciao
Cathy said…
I have a tart pan, but it didn't have removeable sides (I didn't even know such a thing existed) so it did not help me a bit! Your tart looks great! Next time, I might skip the eggplant and use yellow squash instead -- you are 10steps ahead of me as usual. Re: snow -- I'll bet you some buttery jam cookies that we don't see one flake. But they'll probably close schools today anyway because it's snowing somewhere in this time zone, so I won't be able to see you to collect until Monday.
Anonymous said…
Now I want a tart pan with removeable sides too. Yellow squash was a great addition. I will have to remember that.
Jennifer said…
Peggy - your tart looks great! I wish I would have substituted something for the eggplant. It was definitely my least favorite part of the dish!
Have fun at your big dance this weekend!
The Blonde Duck said…
I love foods that aren't easy to eat. I don't feel guilt about making a mess.
Flourchild said…
Wow what a great looking dish. I love the squash peeking out. I hear you on the cold weather. It's so cold and snowy here in Idaho!
NKP said…
Yes, by all means, buy a tart pan - or even a couple of sizes. They do make some dishes easier.
The dish looks so very tasty indeed, I purchased this book this season, I had better give it a whirl!
The Blonde Duck said…
Thanks for the nice comment! :)

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