TWD - French Yogurt Cake without marmalade glaze

Liliana of My Cookbook Addiction chose French Yogurt Cake with Marmalade Glaze for our TWD challenge this week. I enjoy going over to Liliana's blog to check out her mouthwatering cakes.

I hurried home from work to make this cake. But first, I had to practice the violin. I am now playing as my song of the week the "May Song." A song probably any six year old could master, but I am so proud of myself. Okay, its no Beethoven's Fifth or Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, but we have to start somewhere, right? If my stocks keeps falling, I might need a second income!
Got all my ingredients together. I was really excited about this cake because I love lemon stuff. I love what lemon zest does to foods.
I decided to make it in a nine inch cake pan as Dorie suggested on the side.

It was a really easy cake to mix up and bake. It came out of the pan with ease. I let it cool, cut the layer in half and filled it with Dickinson's Lemon Curd.

I was going to take it to a friend on Friday night, but I got so greedy. The lemon smell made it too tempting. I left off the marmalade glaze and just topped it with canned whipped cream. When you are in a hurry, canned whipped cream is the best! The DH and I sat down and enjoyed ourselves some cake. Just call me the cake hog. I wanted two pieces or even three, and my heart said yes, but my hips said no. Why do hips talk? Have you noticed how sometimes they can mess up even the best day you are having by their almost constant chatter.

Loved loved loved this cake. However, next time I make it and you can bet your booty there will be a next time, I will probably leave the almonds out.

Liliana thank you so much for choosing this cake this week! It was just what I needed. Check out the recipe at Liliana's blog here.

I can't leave you this week without sharing a photo of another friend with you. Have any of you heard Taylor Hicks' new cd The Distance? I think it is pretty awesome. Try it!! I'm guessing Taylor loves french yogurt cake. :) Enjoy and have a great week!


Marthe said…
Filling this cake with lemon curd is a great idea, it must have tasted amazing and it looks good too!!
Amanda said…
Love the layering idea! I LOVED this cake, it smelled so good while cooking and tasted wonderful :) I paired it with simple lemon curd. YUM!
Cathy said…
I am going to make this in a 9" pan next time. The loaf pan brought only woe. I LOVE how you filled this with lemon curd, Peggy! Your cake looks perfect. I hope you bring your violin in one day so we can hear you play!
Sihan said…
Thanks Peggy for the email! I'm absolutely loving your photos! layerig wih lemoncurd. that's ingenious!

and by the way, I'm going to have to give Taylor Hicks new cd a listen! thanks for the recommendation!
Maria said…
Love the lemon curd addition! The cake looks terrific!
Nancy/n.o.e said…
Ooh, a lemon curd filling just takes this one over the top. Well, and the canned whipped topping helps push it over the edge, too! Great job on this one. I can't wait to make it again (maybe for Easter). And whatever can we do about those annoying hips? At least if you're going for multiple slices, this is the cake to do it with, as opposed to, say, cheesecake...
chocolatechic said…
I love that you filled this cake.
Jennifer said…
I love Taylor Hicks...I often watch his "Purple Jacket" performance on You Tube.

Your cake looks awesome!
Jessica said…
I love Taylor Hicks, that's my little confession. His music is great.
Your cake looks wonderful and I've never known whipped cream to do anything but make things even better.
Oh, and talking hips are the WORST!
Unknown said…
Your cake looks great. Lemon curd really is a natural pairing with this.
Teanna DiMicco said…
I wish I had more lemon flavor in my cake! I love that you filled it with lemon curd! I love that you are playing the violin!
Anonymous said…
Your cake looks wonderful. I loved how it was so deliciously easy. I think it is a great dessert to have your arsenal for unexpected guests. It's so easy.
Jules Someone said…
This one was just so easy and delicious. Yours looks gorgeous!
Madam Chow said…
We loved the cake, too. I think your idea of the lemon curd as a filling is great. Like you, I LOVE citrus!
Audrey said…
Though I thank you sincerely for not dying the cake green somehow, I am glad you liked it! I want to try it with lemon curd now, and probably 100 other ways.
AmyRuth said…
I get the daunting hipster pressure. Even with spring break coming up, just want the sweets in a big way. he he Your cake looks beautiful and so does the little photo of the man at the bottom of the page. WooHoo
I love the lemon with this cake. Just had to start with lemon flavor. Welcome Back!
Linda said…
What a fantastic looking cake! You're not the only one --- this time, I hoarded this cake all for myself! ;)
natalia said…
Ciao ! This is what Andrea would have loved !Next time I'll fill it with lemon curd !! In Amalfi they have the most beautiful lemons !
Flourchild said…
Oh yum I love your idea of putting the curd on the inside, brillant! Your cake looks so good, I could eat a slice right now!
Steph said…
I like your layer cake. Mmm.. whipped cream and lemon!
Unknown said…
I ate two and a half slices! The cake was gone in less than 2 hours after plating it! I love canned whipped cream and your lemon curd addition sounds great!
Cakelaw said…
This looks so good Peggy with the lemon curd and whipped cream - no wonder you decided that you couldn't give it away!
Di said…
I really need to make this again with the lemon in it. I did the 9-inch round, too, and found it worked quite well. I think I managed to eat most of the cake myself (the girls and Jamie did have some the first day), but at least I spread it over 5 days... =) Oh, and glad to hear the violin lessons are going well.
Annette said…
Your cake looks delicious! I liked it too. :)
TeaLady said…
Great cake. Love that you took the round/slice/fill version. Looks delicious.
Engineer Baker said…
I couldn't give mine away either (just told my hips to be quiet!). It looks absolutely wonderful. And I'm jealous - I used to play violin, and I really miss it now. How do you like learning it?
Liliana said…
I am so glad you liked the cake! It sounds delicious paired with lemon curd! I applaud you learning the violin!

Thanks for stopping by...and I also like Taylor Hicks.
LyB said…
I so wish I had tried this cake with lemon curd. It looks so delicious! :)

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