CEiMB - Pumpkin Pie Muffins

Our host this week is Oddball Oven Mitt and she refers to herself as Hat and Fappy. I love that. She chose Pumpkin Pie Muffins for us to bake this week and she is one of my favorite people today because of that. With fall here, anything pumpkin that comes my way gets scarfed up, chewed up, devoured, swallowed whole, and enjoyed! I love the smell of it as well as the taste of it. It makes my home smell delicious while it is baking. It makes me feel warm and happy. The food we make during the fall season is one of the only things I like about fall. The leaves changing is another one. I hate the weather and I hate that it means cold weather is knocking on our doorstep. Give me spring and summer any day over fall and winter. I added a few chocolate chips to some of my muffins and topped the rest with walnuts. These were easy to mix up! Oops, where is the twelfth muffin? It's missing. There was not enough batter for twelve. But I had eleven nice big, fat muffins. Check out the reci...