CEiMB - Almond French Toast Bake

Hostess this week was Heide of http://chezzero.blogspot.com/ I have to let you all in on a secret this week. I had to cheat a bit on this one. Just a bit. I did not let it sit overnight in the refrigerator as Ellie says to. Wasn't sure if it would work to just beat it up and toss it in the oven, but that's what I did. Drat those time constraints! But please keep this to yourself. Don't you just love a good secret? My grocery store did not have fresh blueberries this week. Not sure what was up with that because we eat them every morning with our cereal. So I grabbed a bag of frozen blueberries. Believe me when I say they may be fine for cooking with them, but even thawed they did nothing for our cereal. Too mushy for me! But the size of the blueberries was amazing. Made me wonder where are these giant blueberries when you buy fresh ones? The ones I buy are tiny like little peas. These were m...