TWD - Peanut Butter Criss Crosses to the Rescue!

Host for the week:  Jasmine of Jasmine Cuisine

It was just one of those weekends.  The kind where nothing really goes the way you expect.  We left Friday night to go to the lake for the long holiday weekend hoping for some much needed rest after our return from Dallas.  We arrived, turned on the air conditioning and in about 30 minutes realized, there was no air conditioning.  It was about 95 degrees that day, but weatherman assured on the television it was going to get cooler through the night, so we decided to tough it out and call a repairman the next morning.

With a fan in the window, a ceiling fan, and a small bedside fan all running at full speed, we went to bed.  Gosh the noise those fans made.

Midnight - still hot.  Two in the morning - still hot.  Stay on your side of the bed I whispered!  Don't touch me he said!  Finally about five in the morning we both found sleep.  Got up early and called an air conditioner repair guy and he came about noon and fixed it.  Nice and cool again.  Went for a long boat ride.  Sweet.

About four o'clock that same afternoon I decided to help Chan mow the grass.  I walked across the grass in the front yard to start the mower and all of a sudden I heard a hissing sound under my feet!  I jumped, then looked all around thinking there was a snake somewhere close.  As I quickly backed up, the ground beneath me began to move.  Literally.  My first thought was there was some dirt monster under the grass, then I thought quicksand??  I called to my DH and told him to hurry or he might never see me again after the earth swallowed me up.  The ground was so soggy in the area that it really did move under our feet.  Thinking it was a septic tank problem at first, we later found out it was a leaky pipe.  We turned off the water and within minutes the ground went back to normal.  It was so weird.  

Then the digging began.  I know now why they invented backhoes.  To save your back.  Chandler said the pipe would be about a foot underground.  So he dug. And dug.  Poor guy.  Not knowing exactly where the leak was, it was quite a lot of digging until finally we saw white pipe located about three or four feet underground.  It was an "elbow."  By now it is dark.  Chan found a piece of pipe in the basement that we could use, but needed the couplings. Luckily, as we were about to go to Home Depot to buy the fixtures needed, a neighbor stopped us and said he had a basket full of fittings that we could use.

So Saturday night we had cool air, but no water.  The next morning I felt like a pioneer woman carrying buckets of water from next door to service our needs.  We used bottled water to wash our hands and make coffee.   Early in the day, Chandler fixed the pipe and covered the hole back up.  I told him not to cover the hole yet, but. . . you know men.  He assured me the leak was fixed but the glue would have to set for two hours before we could have water again.  We were expecting guests in three hours so I was happy that I would at least get a shower before they came. 

After two hours, we turned on the water and heard another gushing noise.  Assuming the leak was not fixed, because surely the odds of having two leaks were next to none, right - we proceeded to dig the hole out - AGAIN.  Turned on the water and gushing noise again.  Seeing nothing amiss with the new elbow, we discovered this time it was beneath the cabin.  It looked like the pipe had just been broken off the top and was missing. This time I insisted we call a plumber, but Chan wanted to fix it himself.  So he crawled on his stomach in the dirt while I held the flashlight for him and fixed the second pipe.  Then he confessed that he was the reason for the second broken pipe!  Remember above I told you he had found a piece of pipe under the basement to use? Well apparently it was a pipe that was already "in use" and he thought it was an extra!!!!  After another two hours, we had water again.  Sunday night, we had water AND cool air.  That was nice.  My husband is a rock star in my book.  And he was bone tired and never complained.  As for me, I can tell you honestly I probably would survive being a pioneer woman, but I would be one cranky pioneer woman!

Today, I made peanut butter cookies thanks to Jasmine's excellent choice.  Chandler's favorite cookie in the world are peanut butter cookies.  So this was my treat for all his hard work this weekend.

I love using eggs that have tattoos on them.  It makes them seem clean and safe to me.  It's all in my head I know.  Just like the voices that whisper to me on occasion.

The cookies were easy to make.  Mine turned out a little large I think.  Even though I halved Dorie's recipe, it still made quite a few. 

I apologize for the long post, but the story was too good not to share.  Hope you all had a nice and safe Labor Day weekend!


No snakes. How boring.

Not really. It must be disconcerting to have the ground move.

I hope the peanut butter cookies made it up to you. They certainly look tempting.

I meant to make the chocolate ones and when I made them, I completely forgot.
chocolatechic said…
Way to go Chan!!!

Your cookies look great, and they are even better when you are clean and cool.
Mary said…
What an adventurous weekend! At least your cookies were good!
Anne said…
What a crazy weekend, wow! Glad it worked out in the end- and your cookies look beautiful!
Jules Someone said…
Oh holy smokes. There would have been a plumber at my house. Good thing you had cookies to make up for the trouble!
What a weekend! Your cookies look picture perfect!
Cindy said…
Some days you should stay in bed and eat PB cookies! Sorry!
Madam Chow said…
A bunch of crazy things happened to me this summer, and one of them includes having to replace our water line. These cookies helped ease the pain!
Tia said…
you got perfectly round cookies!
My version of these is PB and J thumprints. Great job this week!
Leslie said…
What a terrific husband you have! I bet you needed another weekend after the weekend you had! That is one terrific story (though probably one you wouldn't want to relive). Your cookies sound like the perfect reward for Chandler. They look so good I want to make the recipe again!
Cakelaw said…
You know what they say - it never rains but it pours! Hope the plumbing problems are fixed now. I love tattooed eggs too - we have a brand called Sunny Queen eggs (from my home state, Queensland!) that are tattooed with smily faces - they always make me smile too. Your cookies look fabulous - love the golden colour.
Jennifer said…
Oh goodness. You need a Holiday from your Holiday!

Your cookies look amazing!!!!
Paula said…
I've never seen eggs with tatoos. Cool!

What a story. What a day. Glad you shared.
natalia said…
Ciao ! Oh my god what a restful weekend !!I'm glad your husband loves pb cookies !!
The baby is really a beauty !! I think she's blonde (strawberry blonde?)
Jasmine said…
I guess these cookies were most welcome after all these adventures! I'm glad you enjoyed my pick. Thanks for baking with me this week!
Anonymous said…
Oh my, your husband deserves a lot of cookies for all of his hard work!
Flourchild said…
Great looking cookies! What a wild and crazy weekend you had!! Im sure those cookies tasted good afte that!
Jacque said…
Oh no, what a weekend! Glad you got it all fixed, though... good as new! Your cookies look delish!
Joanne said…
Good for Chan.
Those cookies look super! That would be the perfect PB cookie.
Liz said…
Oh my gosh, what a crazy weekend. Major props to your husband, although the story made me laugh--I know way too many men in my life would would do exactly the same things, covering up the pipe and "borrowing" an "extra" pipe. Glad it all worked out!
Rachel said…
Oh wow that sounds like an eventful weekend! Glad it all turned out okay in the end though (and that you had pb cookies as a reward!)
Beth said…
Glad you survived the weekend. Wow! I don't think I'd be a good pioneer woman at all.
Kayte said…
OMW the adventures you have over there! It's fun to read what goes on in other people's lives, makes me feel less alone with the things that happen around here at times! Those cookies look wonderful, I didn't get my little crisscrosses to stay in very nicely, someone told me to frig the dough first, so that's what I will do from now on. Yours look really pretty. LOL on the little egg tatoo...I am just the opposite, whenever I see that I think, "Oh, no, little EB lives inside and I am about to crash his house...." Yikes.

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