TWD - Caramel Pumpkin Pie

Hostess this week:  Janell of

I really wanted to do a great job on this pie. Well all things considered, you have to give me a break this week and not expect greatness!

I had a little surgery last Thursday.  It was not "supposed" to be a big thing.  This procedure was to determine 100% that I did not have cancer.  It did that. YEA!!  God is good.  Nothing in my life comes without drama.  Apparently my blood pressure did not cooperate and dropped dangerously low in the recovery room so they had to work with me for a couple of hours.  Thank God I was high on morphine and demerol, and they just kept giving me more so while I was aware that things were happening around me, I really didn't care that much!  Oh yes, I can laugh now. 

Today I tried to work but I almost fainted shortly after getting there so I spent five and a half hours in the emergency room where they finally determined that my blood pressure was low again.  After running tests, they decided I must still be reacting from the anesthesia.  Seriously, how long does this stuff stay in one's body?

Now, on to the PIE.  I really wanted to make this pie.

I'm not sure my caramel turned out right.  Was it supposed to thicken?  Mine did not.  But it was a nice dark color as Dorie suggested.  And it smelled really good.

Okay, I cheated and used a bought pie crust because I was not sure I could stand on my feet long enough to make it from scratch.  Forgive me?  Now I wish I had made small tarts instead.  My pie plate was too big and there was not enough filling to fill up the crust.

After cooking 50 minutes, it was still not ready.  And it never got ready.  It tasted like canned pureed pumpkin that never cooked.  What the hay happened?  I've made pumpkin pie many times before and always perfect.  This was one not.  Here is my ugly picture.

Basically, nothing went my way with this pie.  I think I'll stick to my regular pie recipe next time.


You have had quite a time between the hospital and your pie baking. Take care of yourself. Don't overdo.

I can't believe you made the pie with all that going on and your pie does not look ugly. After all, you went through, there is no such thing as an ugly pie. I think, it looks fine.
Pamela said…
First of all...CONGRATS on the great news! I hope you are feeling better now. I'm sorry that you had a tough time with this one. Stinks when you put the effort in and get little in return. I cheated on the crust, too. But I was just lazy! :)
Mary said…
I hope you are feeling much better soon, and congratulations on being cancer-free. i think your pie looks pretty good! Mine looked nice but tasted awful and was completely my fault. I didn't even bother with a crust.
Cakelaw said…
Glad to hear you don't have cancer - hope you get back to feeling well soon. I think your pie looks good - I'd be in for a slice.
Cindy said…
So happy all is well. Does pumpkin pie even matter? Take care.
Judy said…
I don't think anyone would mind if you passed up a week or two. It's important to recover and feel better and celebrate your good news.

Your pie does look delicious no matter what.
Paula said…
Wow--what a week! I'm impressed that you even attempted this. Sorry about your pie. :-( I love regular pumpkin pie myself so didn't even try this one.
chocolatechic said…
My caramel broke and didn't recover.

The filling tastes almost bitter...but I'm serving it anyway.
Hindy said…
The most important thing is getting yourself to 100%. The pie can wait until next holiday. Bravo for even attempting it.
Jules Someone said…
Ugh! Hope you are better soon! And no guilt on the pie crust. We do not judge. My caramel stayed really runny as well. Don't know how to fix that. This one wasn't so much a favorite. Ah well.
Beth said…
Hope you're feeling okay today! Sometimes, the cooking mojo just ain't there. My caramel broke and I, too, used a pre-made pie crust :-)
Cathy said…
Sheesh Peggy, you deserve a medal or an award or a good piece of pumpkin pie or SOMETHING after even attempting this with what you've got going on right now. We felt pretty much the same way about this pie. I am so happy about the good news, and I hope that you are feeling like your normal self in no time!
Tia said…
that is awesome news! what a huge relief that must have been :) Take care and eat some pie to celebrate!
The Mortensens said…
Oh Peggy, I am so glad you are cancer free! I cannot believe you baked along this week with everything you went through. That is devotion!

It's too bad it didn't turn out well for you. I had to bake my pie for another 20 minutes before it was done. Thanks SO MUCH for baking along with me this week.
Jennifer said…
Hi. I am so glad things are going okay. I have been thinking about you. Hope the blood pressure issue gets resolved. Lets catch up over lunch sometime soon!
Peggy the Baker said…
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Peggy the Baker said…
I suspect that the residual morphine fog contributed to your less than perfect pie. Now's the time to take good care of yourself--
Anonymous said…
Peggy, oh my gosh, I can't believe you made a pie after all that. Take care of yourself! So happy to hear that you got good news!
Shandy said…
Cnngratulationson being cancer free! How scary for you to be reacting to the anesthesia like that. I hope that is the last of the dizzy spells and you start getting back to feeling normal as soon as possible.

The pie recipes sounds alarming. Frustrating when a recipe sounds delicious and yet never comes together right. Hopefully next week will be better!
Kayte said…
Happy to hear your diagnosis came back free and clear. Your pie looks good...I always find that when I don't feel good, it's like the recipe knows that and it never turns out as good as I thought it could have. My crust on this shrunk a lot for some reason. Haven't a clue, but it tasted fine. Next week is apple!
Unknown said…
Amazing that you made the pie after all that! I am happy that the results came out great! I use store bought pie crusts all the time. No one really cares that much. It is such a time saver. Good for you for making this pie, BUT take care of yourself. And get rest.

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