Chocolate with Francois - Chocolate Nut Loaf

In this land of blogging, it is fun to meet new online friends and share your cooking/baking experiences with them. One of my favorites is Leslie of Lethally Delicious . Leslie makes food that causes my mouth to water just looking at her photos. I always learn something when I visit her blog. And as a plus, she is a really nice person. This month in our Chocolate with Francois group, Leslie hosted our group and chose the Chocolate Nut Loaf for us to try. We use Francois Payard's book Chocolate Epiphany . Often Francois' recipes are too difficult for me to master, but this one seemed like something I wanted to try. I cannot wait to see how the other cooks made out with this one and what variations they made to the recipe. Here I am on Sunday afternoon just lazing around with a headache. I watched a movie that was older called Murder in the First with Kevin Bacon and Christian Slater about a guy that tried to escape Alcatraz and w...