Tuesdays with Dorie - Date Nut Loaf

Hostess this week is Mary of  Popsicles and Sandy Feet.  You can find the recipe for this fabulous loaf cake - prepared the "correct" way at her webpage.  Sandy is in a couple other groups with me and she always has delicious goodies to share on her webpage.  Check it out.

Would you believe Publix did not have any dried dates?  I used to remember always buying Dromedary dates that came in a box.  I wanted to make this so I ended up getting dried apricots.  Dorie's recipes are usually very adaptable so I figured it would work.

The recipe says your mix will look curdled at first and not to worry.  I'm glad it said that because mine looked really curdled in the bowl until I added the flour.

I have to say that the smell coming from my oven was heavenly.  It was a mix of almond flavoring and apricots.  You have to love those smells!  It seemed like it took a long time to cook, but bread loaves usually do.  I couldn't wait to cut into it.  Mine was a bit on the dry side, but tasty.  Anyone else have that issue?  Also, it appears I did not fold the apricots and nuts in appropriately as they are random throughout the cake.

Delicious.  Thank you Mary!!


Anonymous said…
Great substitutions! This looks delicious.
I want to make this with the apricots. They look like golden nuggets of flavor in your cake.
spike. said…
apricots sound perfect!
Apricots sound fabulous in this - I'll have to remember for next time! :)
Cindy said…
I just thought this was delicious. dryness can be cured by a little cream cheese or butter!
Apricots look tasty. Have a great day.
Rita said…
I do loe apricots and now I can make a loaf; fantastaic!
Anne said…
I love the changes you made and it looks great- I really need to get to this one this week!
Bella Baker said…
looks so pretty! Mine wasn't dry, but I took it out 15 minutes early.
Unknown said…
Your cake looks so bright and delicious. I would have used them, but my local supermarket *shocked* me by actually carrying dates.
Anonymous said…
I love the substitutions - apricots are wonderful - the cakes sound delicious - just found your blog and I'm so glad I did - I just signed up to follow you!
Nicole said…
I think dates are a bit old fashioned and stores might not carry them. I buy mine from the Date Farm: I'm that hard core! I think it looks great with apricots.
Flourchild said…
I loved the smells too..your bread looks great!
Anonymous said…
Apricots would be great in this loaf! Mine was OK the day after I made it, but then dried out after that.
Mary said…
I liked the apricots too. Thanks so much for baking along with me this week.
TeaLady said…
Did smell good didn't it. And tasted good too.

Like the idea of the apricots.

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