! Well hello world! Our group this month decided to cook foods from Sweden. The first thing that came to my mind of course was Swedish Meatballs. But I wanted to try something a little less ordinary. I was watching the Rachel Ray show one morning this week and she prepared a dish called Swedish Sailor's Beef and Potato Casserole. I knew that was it for me!! First I browned the meat. I used bottom round steak just as Rachel suggested, but I think next time I would just go with top round steak. Next you saute up some onions with a few seasonings and butter, then you layer sliced potatoes, then top with onions, then meat, and repeat repeat. Pour a bottle of light beer (I used Sam Adams Summer Ale) over it, cover it and let it cook in the oven for 2 1/2 hours on 275. As you can see, I could have used a little more steak to top it with, but for just the two of us I was trying to get buy with six slices. Delicious and heart...