EwE japanese vegetable pancakes

This week in our Eating with Ellie group, Chaya chose the Japanese Vegetable and Shrimp Pancakes.  Due to my shellfish allergy, I just simply left the shrimp out of these.  I had my doubts about these while they were cooking, but we ended up really enjoying them.  The photo does not do them justice.  The sauce gave them a little kick that they needed.  I think they might have even been better the second night.  I halved the recipe and it made nine pancakes for us!!  They were really easy to mix up.  Napa cabbage, eggs, flour, scallions, carrot, a little soy sauce and ketchup for the sauce.  Just fried up in a little olive oil.  And they are healthy which is an additional reason to try them!!  Makes a really good side dish or I am sure with the shrimp added would be a quick and delicious entrée for a busy weeknite.

You can find the recipe in Ellie's Weeknite Wonders cookbook or online here:

Check out our website for the Eating with Ellie cooks and join us if you would like!


Kayte said…
Happy to hear you enjoyed them! I think generally we are not pancake fans here, I make pancakes about twice a year just because I feel maybe a good mom does that...lol. So a pancake with "stuff" in it wasn't going to be a hail to the chief type of dinner here. They work great in lettuce wraps, however, so that was a hit...and those shrimps were wonderful, I know you can't eat them, so I just figured I would let you know that we loved the shrimp part the best. :-) Yours look so nice all lined up nice and neat!
Anonymous said…
We enjoyed these too... I think I ended up with more veggies and less pancake, but they were yummy!
Cakelaw said…
It's interesting how different all of our pancakes look. Mine were the duds. Yours look good.
TeaLady said…
Those do look good, Peggy. Glad you liked them. I loved them. Now all I need is someone to help me eat them.

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