WWDH - Slow cooked beef ragu

This is only the second recipe I have tried of Donna Hays.   Sarah chose this slow cooked beef ragu for our Wednesdays with Donna Hay group.   I substituted a chuck roast for the brisket.  The recipe called for instant polenta and that was not to be found at the grocery near me.   So I googled polenta and made it from scratch.   It is just cornmeal, water and butter boiled for a few minutes.   It was a delicious addition to the ragu.  Really easy to prepare!  The ragu was so flavorful.  We really loved this recipe.   I cannot wait to eat the leftovers tonight!  The beef was cooked for several hours in the oven with tomatoes, red wine, rosemary, carrots, garlic and onion.  The recipe can be found here https://www.donnahay.com.au/recipes/slow-cooked-beef-ragu

Check out what the rest of the group did by clicking here:  https://wwdh.wordpress.com/2015/02/03/slow-cooked-ragu/#comments


Sarah said…
Great, I'm glad you liked it! When I have time to cook a slow meal like this, I really love it. I wish everyday life meant I could do it more often. Also, polenta is so easy, isn't it?
Kayte said…
Looks great, Peggy. Happy you enjoyed it, that's always a big plus. My polenta took 40 minutes so I must have had a larger grind than yours, but it was really easy, I just had to stir it every 10 minutes or so. I was amazed how the grains all opened up and became smooth and creamy like they did. First time for me to make it, so I am counting it as a success. Yours looks wonderful, next time I am leaving my carrots larger as they sort of got swallowed up in the whole business dicing them up as I did. I like the look of yours much better!
Cakelaw said…
Glad you enjoyed it Peggy. I subbed cauliflower rice for the polenta. This is the kind of dish I love - rich and warm and comforting.
Anonymous said…
I made polenta with actual polenta rather than corn meal... I found recipes for it both ways, but leaned toward the coarser grind. Looks wonderful, Peggy!
TeaLady said…
I haven't made polenta in ages. And it is so good with so many different things. Your beef looks delicious.

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