GFGF - Green Beans

This week in our Good Friends Good Food group we are focusing on green beans. I searched many recipes and had my eye on a casserole, but then I decided to make salad. I love salads that are chocked full of “stuff.” So, I started with green beans and then added this and that. Then more this and that. I was extremely happy with the end result and cannot wait to eat the leftovers! I have named this recipe “Not Your Granny’s Green Bean Salad.” My DH does not care for green beans. He will eat them, but it is not his favorite. After we ate and sat down to watch tv, unprompted he said this to me. “Now you know I do not love green beans. But....these were possibly the best green beans I have ever eaten.” After my shock wore off, I realized a compliment from him for me was the greatest. We had grilled steaks with this and it was a delicious meal! Truly, I think I could have eaten a large bowl of this for my entire me...