Good Food Good Friends - Holiday Green Vegetables

This week in our group we could choose a green vegetable. Something that might go well as a side with your holiday meal. Can you believe it is only ten days until Christmas? What a year this has been. In our family, we always make green bean casserole. Its just what we love. But for this post, I chose to do a broccoli dish. We actually loved it. I hope if you try it you will too! It is easy! For chicken broth, I have been using Orrington Farms broth base for quite some time and I love it. Because it is a dry mix, I just mix with hot water and I always have broth on hand. You can order from Amazon. In two weeks, we will make something special with carrots. Check back then. If you would like to join our group, please let me know. Other team members are : Kayte teaandscones.wordpres...