Chocolate with Francois - Beignets with Vanilla Creme Anglaise

Recipe chosen by Julia of Are you good at pretending? You are? GREAT! Then let's pretend. First, pretend I slaved over a hot stove whipping up my creme anglaise. Remember, I'm a virgin beignet maker so I went with pudding. Spent all my time trying to make the beignets look good. Next, pretend you do not see the dark edges on the beignets that may them appear burned. I think it might have just been the chocolate oozing out a bit while these fried. They tasted incredibly delicious. The burst of chocolate inside was like a surprise to your tongue. You take a bite. . .. you are expecting the chewy doughnut and then, bam, the chocolate oozes in. I love surprises, don't you? And the pudding / anglaise took a slight edge off the richness of the chocolate. Makes my mouth water just thinking about these.