Ina Garten's Fridays - Soups, Salads and Sides!

Hello everyone and welcome to Ina Garten's Fridays group!  This week we are showcasing soups, salads or sides.  I chose Ina's chicken salad.  Although she has a couple of different recipes, I like grapes in mine so that is the one I chose.  

I have learned to wash my grapes in a water/apple cider vinegar mixture. . . just drop them in for a few minutes and swish around.  It removes all that white moldy stuff on the outside of the grapes.  Just makes me feel like they are cleaner and healthier.

I served my salad with Rice Crackers.  These are fabulous for those looking for gluten free substitutes.  I eat them not to be gluten free, but just because I like that they are crunchy and delicious.

This chicken salad is delicious and would be very nice for a ladies luncheon or even for a quick dinner for you and your family.

Serves Four
Four chicken breast halves (I used boneless)
Olive Oil
kosher salt
fresh ground pepper
1 1/2 T. chopped fresh tarragon (I left this out of mine)
1 cup chopped celery
1/2 cup green grapes halved
1/2 cup good mayonnaise

Bake the chicken breasts with olive oil drizzled over for about 30-45 minutes in a 350 oven.  Then cool and chop in chunks.  Add in bowl to other ingredients and mix well.

Simple and delicious!
Here are a few of my blogger friends that also have First Friday recipes.
.June 6:  Main Course   July 4:  Dessert/Other August 1: Appetizer/Drinks   Sept 5: SSS  Oct 3:  Main Course Nov 7: Dessert/Other  Dec 5:  Appetizer/Drinks 
SSS= Soup, Salad, or Side
Want to join our group?  If you’d like to blog each month, email Alyce at for further information.  If you’d like to join in just once in a while, click on the linky at the end of the post and follow the prompts the first Friday of any month.  Please link Ina recipes only!  Thanks!!

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Anonymous said…
Ina does have some wonderful recipes! you have done her proud!
I love this simple, but tasty chicken salad. Great choice.

Linda @ Tumbleweed Contessa
Mary said…
When Ina makes chicken salad I can almost taste it through the screen. This one looks great! The grapes are so perfect in chicken salad. Thanks for the washing tip. I may have chicken salad for lunch!
Mia said…
Thank you for the tip about wasing the grapes in cider vinegar. I recently learned that gluten free does not have to equate with bad tasting. Some gluten free products taste pretty good!
Mireya @myhealthyeatinghabits
thelady8home said…
That's a great pic, looks like a wonderful salad!
A good pick, Peggy. I am not sure if I ever made chicken salad. Isn't that silly? I must change that now.
Ansh said…
That is one delicious salad. I love the Ina Friday variety that I get to experience through this group.
Alyce said…
Nothing better than chicken salad. I remember a similar one from years ago that included fresh pineapple and a little curry. Beautiful for spring, Peggy. Happy Cinco de Mayo!

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