EwE japanese vegetable pancakes

This week in our Eating with Ellie group, Chaya chose the Japanese Vegetable and Shrimp Pancakes. Due to my shellfish allergy, I just simply left the shrimp out of these. I had my doubts about these while they were cooking, but we ended up really enjoying them. The photo does not do them justice. The sauce gave them a little kick that they needed. I think they might have even been better the second night. I halved the recipe and it made nine pancakes for us!! They were really easy to mix up. Napa cabbage, eggs, flour, scallions, carrot, a little soy sauce and ketchup for the sauce. Just fried up in a little olive oil. And they are healthy which is an additional reason to try them!! Makes a really good side dish or I am sure with the shrimp added would be a quick and delicious entrée for a busy weeknite. You can find the recipe in Ellie's Weeknite Wonders cookbook or online here: http://www.eatyourbooks.com/libra...